This Grand Rapids studio Christmas mini session is a pretty special one… just happens to be of my two sweet daughters!! I suppose I could be just a little biased, but they are rather cute! Don’t you think?!
Addison, Addy, is almost nine and Gabriella, Gabby, is 4 (and a half!). They are the most precious little ladies to their daddy, Joe, and I. We count our blessings every day with these two! Doesn’t seeing photos of your own kids just warm your heart and make your day a little better? I know it does for me!
Studies have even shown that having photos displayed in your home can boost your child’s self-esteem….so I’m just hoping my girl’s don’t have theirs boosted too much with all the photos we have at home….. haha!!

Is anyone else jealous of Addison’s hair or is it just me? I lost so much of mine after having these two and I know where all of it went…….

Gabby is trying to be like her big sister and play with her hair 🙂

I am one lucky momma!!

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