This beautiful family is so special to us. Bree is a part of my daughter’s medical team, turned clients, turned friends….but I’m not sure in which order 😉 I love seeing them whenever we can…we even traveled to NYC last year and stayed with them, visiting the Statue of Liberty and eating the best pizza. New friends simply are the best! We met up with them while they were visiting Lake Michigan for updated family portraits and we had way too much fun. Dinner, kites and even convincing Nic to jump in the water for a few photos. Best day ever.

We took family photos but I also took a lot of just Nic and Bree for their anniversary.

Bree – you are one gorgeous momma, inside and out (but I’m talking about on the outside right now 😉 ).

Bree said she saw a few photos I took of a couple in the water and was inspired. We convinced Nic to be inspired too!

Nic was already swimming at this point and I called him back…”just one more!”. Everyone knows that’s always a trap..
(I love this image though. I slowed my shutter speed down and told them to hold very still. I wanted to capture the movement of the water and it was perfect!)

This image though…this is my favorite. It’s a darker edit than I normally create but the setting, the sunset and Bree walking to her hubby. It feels exciting to me and romantic all at the same time…

Nic and Bree – thank you for always trusting me with your family photos. I love seeing you all and just adore being friends with you. Life sure is sweet!
xoxo – Kellie
(Do you love these images as much as I do and want Lake Michigan family portraits for your family? Click HERE for more info!)
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