Donald and Brandi are so fun! I am the lucky one that gets the honor of being their wedding and engagement photographer in Grand Rapids which is truly a blessing! We switched their date last minute for their engagement photos because the weather wasn’t looking great and we ended up having the last day of sunshine with 60 degree temps. I think we were all very happy we made that decision!

We started at this neutral building that had classic lines and was the perfect backdrop featuring some architecture of downtown Grand Rapids.

Brandi is a little extra special to our family. Our youngest daughter is deaf and Brandi is the awesome person that works with her at school all day transliteraing for her making sure that Gabby has access to language everywhere she goes. See what I mean? Super special 🙂

There is so much beautiful architecture in this city of ours!

You are one gorgeous lady! I can’t wait to photograph you in a wedding gown!

You two are so fun! Next November can’t get here soon enough!

(Are you looking for an engagement and wedding photographer in Grand Rapids or the West Michigan area? I’d love to see if we are a great fit! My goal is always to create images that you’ll love forever!)
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